How To Know if Someone Muted You on WhatsApp?
Regularly texting with friends and loved ones makes life more natural and peaceful. But we often reach a point where our friends annoy us, so we “mute” them. But what if the person you’re messaging has muted you?
So, have you ever reached such a situation where you’ve been texting your friends all day, but they just don’t reply back in time? This sort of situation tells you that you might’ve been muted by someone. To understand properly if you’re being muted, keep reading for indications, and more in-depth detail of your question.
Tips: How To Know If Someone Muted You on WhatsApp?
The WhatsApp Web, or regulars WhatsApp Application, doesn’t allow you to view if you’ve been muted. This is owing to extra WhatsApp’s privacy system. But, no worries, we’ve stated some clear indications below.
What Happens When Someone Mutes You?
When muted by someone, you’ll still be able to send messages, call them, or do anything. On your end, it seems completely normal. The only thing that changes is on their end. They no longer get notifications on their device when you’ve messaged them.
The Receiver is Active But Doesn’t View your Message
The first and foremost thing to Know if someone muted you on WhatsApp is to check their status. You can check this easily on WhatsApp if someone is “Online” or “Offline” and their “Last seen”. If they’re Online but aren’t replying, it clearly indicates that they’ve muted you. So, it’s the first indicator of being muted on WhatsApp from someone.
You don’t get Replies Right Away
Secondly, if you reach out to someone multiple times and they don’t reply back, this means they’ve lost interest and have muted you. They might be Online all day, but they just don’t open your message, and you’re unable to see “Double Blue ticks” on your message.
What do the Marks in WhatsApp Mean?
Further explanation of the above sentence is mentioned in this paragraph. WhatsApp has 3 indications once you send a message: single grey tick, Double grey tick, and Double Blue tick.
Single Gray Tick
Single Gray Tick means that whatever you messaged, it has been sent from your end. It means you have an internet connection, but it hasn’t yet been delivered. This could happen if the receiver doesn’t have internet at that moment.
Double Gray Ticks
Double Gray Tick means that your message has been sent and delivered. The message is now available for that person to view. They just haven’t read it yet. You also receive Double Gray Ticks when Someone has Muted your chats.
Double Blue Ticks
Double Blue Ticks mean that your message has been sent, delivered, and read. The person has viewed your message but hasn’t replied.
Blocked or Muted?
However, a huge misconception among people is not knowing whether they’ve been blocked or muted. However, it’s also quite easier to check who blocked you with the help of Mb WhatsApp pro which is an other modified version of WhatsApp. They are 2 very different things. Below are the differences between being Muted and being Blocked.
Muting simply makes them not receive notifications when you message them. However, when you’re Blocked, you can no longer view anything about them, their chats, or statuses and even profile picture. These are 2 different things. Blocking can be identified right away, but Muting can’t be identified right away.
(If you suspect you’re being muted and all the above indications are true, be bold and direct, yet privately inquire them about this through a simple text.)
To sum it all up, being muted isn’t the best thing ever. Even worse is when you’re stuck in a dilemma whether they are busy or they are ignoring you by muting you. So, to Know if Someone Muted you on WhatsApp, we’ve given in-depth details for your assistance. So yes, it is possible to Know if Someone Muted you on WhatsApp, not directly, but with easy tricks. You can always double-check by doing some digging. If you’ve any more question regarding “How To Know if Someone Muted You on WhatsApp” , you can below to get expert guidance.

About Author
Sebastian James